Sure sales and discounts work well in the current economy. People are constantly searching for the best deal on the items that they want and need. Discounts are not the only way to keep people coming back and spending more in your store, there is another thing that is as equally important to your customers and that involves showing them appreciation for their business.

When people come and spend their hard earned money at your shop, they want to know that you appreciate their business and there are many ways that you can let them know that you want them to come to you for all of their shopping needs.

1. HAVE A FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL STAFF. A friendly and customer based business is one where the customer is always right. Some store owners overlook this important aspect of business but many of the larger retailers know that this philosophy works. Places with no hassle return policies like Kohl’s and WalMart have discovered first hand that people will spend more money with you if they feel valued and that their time and money is important.

2. OFFER REWARDS. Your customers are those who make or break your business. Rewards show customers that they are valued and they love to take home something for nothing. Sales that offer buy one get one free and free logo imprinted items for spending over a certain amount with you can really help boost sales and will have your customers coming back for more. 3. DOORBUSTERS. Special sales and promotions that run in the morning hours are a great way to stimulate sales catching the dollars that customers have to spend early, so what will bring them to your shop first? Easy, something that they can’t get somewhere else, like a free item to the first 100 shoppers through the door or discounts to anyone who shops early with you can be a great way to boost sales and customers absolutely love this kind of fluff.

4. GIVEAWAYS. Hand out free gifts to your customers all year round, providing them with incentive to keep shopping with you and you may want to consider running raffles seasonally for larger promotional items to help generate excitement about your store especially during those slower shopping times of year.